STUDENT MEMBERSHIPAny student in law school is eligible for membership in Delta Theta Phi provided they meet the standards of Part I, Article 2, Section 2(a) of the DTP Constitution. To be eligible for student membership in the Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International a candidate must possess the following qualifications and be subject to the following conditions:
A student is not considered to be an official member of the Fraternity until (i) a completed Student Application has submitted to the International Office, (ii) the International Fee is received by the International Office, and (iii) the student is initiated. Please contact the local student senate at your law school for local student senate membership information. Your student senate will assist you with the application and initiation process. If you have been directed to do so by your student senate, please complete your online application here. If your law school does not have an active student senate, please contact our International Office. Read More about Membership Benefits. |